Get Your Free Guide to Ditching Food Rules Here!

Do you find yourself thinking about food a lot of the time? Are you feeling like you can't trust yourself around food and use food rules to help yourself feel more in control?

If you were to get curious about this, what would you notice? Perhaps you've noticed that having restrictive rules around food has only made your relationship with food more strained in nature. The foods we restrict are the foods we typically feel out of control with or binge on. This cycle can bring about feelings of guilt, shame and anxiety around food.

I'm an anti-diet registered dietitian who specializes in helping people break the diet-binge cycle and find peace with food and their bodies.

This step-by-step guide will help you start to let go of your food rules, challenge your diet-talk and learn a new way to approach food and health.

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Imagine having more ease and confidence with your eating

This guide will teach you what a food rule is and help you discover the rules you've been holding on to. Challenging your food rules will help you turn the dial down of your self-critical voice and be able to enjoy food with less guilt and shame.

There's no such thing as a "perfect diet" or a perfect way of eating. Intuitive Eating teaches you how to listen to your body, to honor your body's needs and take care of yourself in ways that are flexible and sustainable.

Emily Marshall is a registered dietitian and owner of True Being RD LLC. For more information on working with Emily on your relationship with food, head to