True Being RD
Emily Marshall 


Are you noticing that figuring out how to eat has become more challenging for you?

Are you wanting to be able to tell what hunger and fullness feels like in your body?

Are you feeling like you'd like to stop having as many negative thoughts about your body?

Perhaps you've noticed that having restrictive rules around food has only made your relationship with food worse in the long run and you'd like to be able to heal from this.

I'd like to invite you to imagine what an empowered relationship with food and being in tune with your body could look like for you.

We live in a culture that promotes thinness over health, willpower over body trust, and perfectionism over flexibility and accessibility.

Diets and even nutrition recommendations seem to enforce viewing food as either “good” or “bad'' and “healthy” or “unhealthy” with no in between.

These rules can become ingrained in your way of thinking and it’s difficult to challenge the thoughts because the rules are reinforced everywhere you turn.

It makes trying to care for yourself feel so challenging.

Do you feel like...

  • Food is taking up too much of your time, energy, and mental space?
  • You want to be able to build trust with your body and enjoy food with less guilt and shame?

  • You want to be kinder to yourself and appreciate your body for what it allows you to do?

If you said yes to any of the above, we might be a good fit.

Hi, I'm Emily, a non-diet, weight inclusive registered dietitian. I believe the way you choose to take care of yourself shouldn't have to feel like a part-time job. You should have more ease in your life.

I help people break out of the binge-restrict cycle, let go of fear around food, and build compassion and connection with their bodies. When you heal from diet culture, you're able to be more authentically you.

I use the frameworks of Intuitive Eating and Health at Every Size® to support my clients in fostering a peaceful relationship with food, movement, their body and more.

I offer a 15 minute complimentary call so that we can get to know one another a bit more and see if we're a good fit. You are also welcome to send me an email instead to

See What My Clients Experienced


"Embracing Intuitive Eating has finally allowed me to quit the diet and bingeing cycle and to shush that nagging voice in my head telling me what I should or shouldn't eat and how much I should exercise.  Through our work together, she has helped me to challenge and change decades old habits and patterns of thought that brought more harm than good physically and mentally.  Working with Emily and embracing the principles of Intuitive Eating have given me a new freedom in my life; I can eat a variety of satisfying foods and choose forms of movement that bring me joy and pride.  I am experiencing healing: my body is healing from all the damage of dieting, my soul is healing from the negative messaging I grew accustomed to, and my mind is healing its relationship with food and exercise.  I am no longer a slave to the scale or calorie counting apps.  I'm gaining confidence in who I am, which is much more than a number of a pair of jeans or a label attached to my BMI.  

Getting here was a long, and sometimes tough journey, but Emily was patient and always gentle.  She gave me space to reflect and encouraged me to embrace new ways of thinking about food and movement.  She helped me dig deep to the root of my thinking and behaviors.  Through our work she even helped me to break some of the damaging cycles that have persisted in my family for generations!  She gave me the tools and encouragement to face my fears about Intuitive Eating.  She took a holistic approach that has had a ripple effect in improving other areas of my life, too.  

If you're looking for a dietitian to help you lose weight or stay accountable to a certain number of calories, Emily is not your girl.  But if you're looking for someone to help you challenge that nagging voice in your head, someone to help you rediscover the joy of eating and food, someone to help you break the diet and / or binge cycles in your life, someone to encourage you to engage in healthy movement, and someone to lead you to a better life, well then, EMILY IS YOUR GIRL!  If you're not ready to do all that, but you find yourself curious about Intuitive Eating and / or Health At Every Size, then bring your questions to Emily."  

"When I first started working with Emily I thought I desperately had to change my eating habits to get thin and in shape. This continued for several months and I found myself being exceptionally hard on myself. I was trying to make myself “better” and it was hurting me more than helping me. Emily noticed how all of this was making me feel which, in my opinion, is a rarity among dietitians and nutritionists. 

Upon noticing my frustrations, Emily was supportive and she offered different concepts that she had familiarized herself with. I noticed her knowledge went well beyond the textbooks she studied in college and she was very perceptive to people’s needs. We had tried working on several concepts. It was a very fluid and enjoyable process as she allowed me to fumble through new ideas at the same time teaching me things about myself I never knew.

We both came to the conclusion that I was never happy when I ate. Satisfied? Sure. Full? Of course. Happy? No. Eating always felt like a punishment. It was always a struggle as I told myself “you should eat this” and “you shouldn’t eat that”. I also was exercising to lose weight and punishing myself for not meeting my goals. I was beating myself up just to start an exercise routine and beating myself up if I didn’t. 

When Emily introduced me to Intuitive Eating and Health at Every Size, we finally hit the nail on the head. When she first brought it up to me I thought she was joking. “You mean I can eat anything I want?” and her answer was “yes”. She showed me the book and I was keen on reading it (and I am not a “reader”). Every meeting we would discuss principles from the book and how I can apply it to my own life and feelings. I can recall the first day I told her I had a slice of pizza and I finally ENJOYED EVERY SINGLE BITE. I had realized it wasn’t about only the pizza, it was about my surroundings, my company, and giving myself permission to enjoy eating for once. Since then I have a new found joy in eating the foods I love without labeling them good or bad. I’ve learned to eat intuitively so I am aware when I’m satisfied, not full. I’ve become aware when I’m hungry and I honor that hunger. I’ve stopped eating to relieve stress. Instead I exercise and find other activities to relieve my stress. 

Since 2012 I have been a marathon runner, consistent exercise fanatic, and notorious calorie counter. After a series of personal events I noticed stresses building in my life that started to affect my health so I decided to take steps to make myself better. To this day I am grateful beyond words that I started working with Emily. Emily did not lead me on this journey but, rather she stood alongside me and guided me on my journey to find my love for myself and my own body. The journey is certainly not over and I still look to her for her guidance which is the most invaluable thing anyone can acquire."

"I had been introduced to the concept of intuitive eating nearly 17 years before I met Emily; however, I was not receptive to it and had made up my mind to pursue weight loss surgery instead. I lost a significant amount of weight after the surgery but gained most of the weight back over the last decade. A month prior to meeting Emily, I had made a conscious decision to never diet again.I had researched the HAES concept and intuitive eating, reading everything I could find on the subject, but felt interaction with a health practitioner would help me to more fully get comfortable with my decision.

Since working with Emily, I have a newfound sense of freedom around food. I never realized before that for nearly 40 years, food has occupied far too many of my thoughts throughout my days. I have been hopping from one diet or dieting fad to the next, counting calories, restricting certain foods, and the scale has determined when I would have a good or bad day. I was hungry and unhappy unless I was on a binge  and then I was ashamed. I no longer log every bite of food that goes into my mouth or weigh myself weekly anymore and there is no food that is off limits except kiwi (allergic) and milk (lactose intolerant). With the freedom to eat whatever I want whenever I want, there is no longer any urgency to fiercely control food. I eat when hungry and stop when full and I enjoy both preparing and eating my meals.

My biggest takeaway is that diets don’t work for me and I do not have to be controlled by any food or special exercise plan again. My weight is not the root cause of every problem that I have and I no longer have to accept that the only road to health and happiness for me is through successfully completing the latest diet trend. I am slowly becoming much more comfortable in my own body. It is fat and has certain aches and pains but I love it and am grateful for every day that I wake up and draw breath."

You deserve to feel good about food!

I believe food serves multiple roles in our lives. It provides fuel, nutrition, nourishment, pleasure, comfort, social connection, and religious and cultural significance and tradition. There should be room to honor all of it within your relationship with food. 

How could your life change if food wasn't the enemy, but instead viewed as a way to nourish yourself?

I provide one on one, virtual nutrition coaching sessions 

Here's a little of what you can expect and not expect: 

What to expect:

  • The first few sessions will be used as an assessment. (I know that may sound clinical, but all it really means is that I’ll be getting to know you and you’ll be getting to know me). We may not make any changes or goals in the first few sessions because we’ll be discussing your history, current patterns and getting clear on what you’d like to accomplish through working together. Follow-up sessions will be geared towards setting small, accomlishable goals so you can feel supported along the path of change.

  • Much of the work we’ll be doing involves unlearning. Unlearning the rules, beliefs and behaviors that diet culture instills that really keep us stuck. Through unlearning, you’ll learn how to take care of yourself in ways that are accessible, flexible, enjoyable, and meaningful to you. This will mostly entail relearning how to trust and listen to the signals your body is giving you. Hunger, fullness, energy, mood, digestion, satisfaction- these are just some of the signals you’ll learn to tune into. 

  • I don’t have all the answers! Yes, I do have experience in what I do and some tips and tricks up my sleeves to help you, but at the end of the day, I view you as the expert. You know yourself the best and you know what’s best for you. I strive to empower you to harness the knowledge and wisdom that you inherently possess.

  • The occasional cameo appearance of my cat, Penny. (As I only do virtual appointments from my home).


What not to expect:

  • We won’t be tracking what you eat. No calorie counting and no monitoring from me on what you’re eating or not eating. Sometimes a food journal may be used, but this is more so for your own observations to make any connections to how food makes your body feel. 

  • 99.9% of the time I won’t track your weight. It’s not relevant to the work we’ll be doing and I am often encouraging you to weigh yourself less or not at all because it’s most likely negatively affecting your relationship with food and your body image. In the .01 percent chance your weight is being monitored it may be for health and safety reasons to make sure your weight isn’t fluctuating at an unsafe rate. In this case your weight will most likely be monitored by your therapist or doctor. 

  • No demonizing of foods. No foods will be off limits. Seriously. I promise to never judge or shame you for what you eat. And if you think I have judged you in some way, please know you can tell me and I will do better by you in the future.

You'll walk away...

  • Understanding how to be more in tune with your body and respond to your mental, physical and emotional needs.
  • With habits to support your health in ways that are flexible, sustainable, accessible, enjoyable and individualized to you.
  • Feeling more confident in how you choose to nourish your body and experiencing a more positive body image.

There is another way to approach food and health. A way where you can feel more at ease and not burned out. 

I know it doesn't always feel like that, especially when dieting is so normalized in our society and disordered eating goes under the radar so easily. 

I want to acknowledge my privilege as someone who is straight-sized, White, young, cis-gender and able-bodied. Having these privileges has shielded me from much of the scrutiny faced by individuals in our society with less privilege than me and others like me.

I'm not here to tell you what to do with your body. I'm here to listen to your experience and offer you options. I believe you have a right to full body autonomy.


  • We are now in network with Blue Cross Blue Shield PPO and Blue Choice PPO plans! Sessions may be covered at 100% for unlimited visits. Contact us to learn more. 
  • If you do not have BCBS PPO or Blue Choice PPO plans: 
  • We offer a 12 week package to new clients for $1650. Sessions are spaced out on a weekly basis.
  • A payment plan can be provided with the 12 session package. It is 3 installments of $550 every 4 weeks.
  • HSA (Health savings account) and FSA (Flexible spending account) can be used as forms of payment.
  • We can also provide a super-bill as a receipt that you can provide to your health insurance to receive reimbursement for an out-of-network provider. We recommend you contact your health insurance plan first to confirm your benefits.  We use these specific codes: CPT codes- 97802, 97803. ICD-10 Codes- Z71.3 (Dietary Counseling and Surveillance), telehealth location code: 02
  • Your first session in the package is 75 minutes and follow up sessions are 45-50 minutes.
  • Current clients who would like to continue working together after the 12 weeks can purchase a 6 session package for $825 or continue with another 12 session package for $1650. Payment plans can be offered and sessions can be spaced out as needed.

Sessions are virtual so you can stay comfy at home. You'll log into a secure portal to access your video sessions and account. 


Do you accept any other health insurance besides BCBS PPO? 

No, we do not. 

Are your sessions in person or virtual? 

The sessions we provide are virtual only. We use a HIPAA-compliant platform (Practice Better) for scheduling and providing telehealth visits. 

Who do you work with? 

We work with adults and adolescents/teens (ages 14-19) of all genders/backgrounds. We work with individuals experiencing disordered eating behaviors, chronic dieting, binge/emotional eating and those in late-stage anorexia/ bulimia recovery.

What happens on the complimentary call?

To book a complimentary call with me, there will be a short form to complete to help me gain a better understanding of what your goals and needs are. 

It is a no pressure call that allows us to get to know each other better. I'll ask you a few questions to get a better feel for what you're looking for and what your goals are. I'll always provide time on the call for you to ask me any questions. 

I'll always ask for your consent before providing any information regarding my services. 

At the end of the call, if you're feeling like it's a good fit, we can proceed to making your first appointment and getting you set up to work together. 

If you're feeling like you would like more time to think about it, that will be respected and you do not have to make a decision on the call. I may ask for your permission to reach back out to you in a couple of days to check in with you to see if you've made a decision or have any further questions. 

Do I need to book a call to work with you?

No, I understand calls can sometimes be intimidating! You are welcome to send an email instead and we can chat that way. Email me at

Will you provide me a meal plan? 

In our practice, we use meal plans to help support adequacy and variety in your eating. The meal plan we may provide is to be used as a guide to ensure you are eating enough on a consistent basis. This will typically involve at least 3 meals + 3 snacks with all 3 macronutrients at each meal and snack (protein + carb + fat). Calories will not be listed on the meal guide, but portion sizes may be used. The ultimate goal with using a meal guide is to eventually be able to eat independently of a meal guide and be more in touch with your hunger and fullness signals and overall nutrient needs. Not everyone will need a meal plan or meal guide. Instead, having structured meal and snack times will be encouraged along with incorporating more variety into your diet (letting go of restrictive food rules).

What if I want to lose weight? Will you help me with that? 

With the Intuitive Eating and Health at Every Size approach, weight is not the primary focus or objective; rather, the objective is to work on developing a healthy relationship with food. To understand what a healthy relationship with food looks like click here. If you have concerns about your weight or your health we will absolutely discuss those concerns in your sessions. However, if your goal is to lose weight and have someone help you do that, we may not be the right fit. Please reach out to tell us about your situation and we can determine if a referral to another provider would better suit your needs. 

How long do people usually work with you? 

This varies person to person. Everyone goes at their own pace. Many clients work with us for at least 6-9 months and some longer and some shorter than that. 
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